BKU enrollment May Close soon. Fill out your application today!
 BKU enrollment May Close soon. Fill out your application today!
The Proven Road Map For Online Course Businesses
Build An Online Course Business To Create Predictable Income, Influence, & Impact
...Without all the Complication that leaves you "lost in the sauce"

Friend, you and I both know that you are made for more

You have that deep, burning desire to HELP MORE, to SERVE MORE, and to DO MORE.

No, not everyone has it...but yet, you do.

Take a second, can you hear it? It's that voice that calls to you, that tugs at your inner emotions to scream out saying, "I AM MADE FOR MORE."

If you have ever listened to that voice, then I invite you to read this letter I've written for you.

I want you to say goodbye to the days of old. 

The days spent chasing every new "shiny object" you hope and pray will finally make this business work.

The days where you tried every new "hack" or "trick"...funnel this and funnel that. Hustle here and hustle there. 

Wasting hundreds, if not thousands, on strategies and tactics that don't produce a dollar.

The days of bouncing back and forth between your real stream of income...and the other one you so desperately want to make work.

Well, with all the uncertainty going on in the world...

YOU can’t afford to wait any longer.

TODAY is the day where you decide to take control of your future. 

A future with endless opportunity to help others on an exponential scale. 

A future that gives you a way to take the knowledge, expertise, and passions inside of you and share it with the world.

A future that you know you are meant for.

It's time, right now, for you to step up to that plate and say, "Game On!" 

No more sitting in the stands while others build their online course kingdom. 

No more watching & waiting because you "don't have the time or the know-how".

Think about all the weeks spent learning, crafting, and perfecting the knowledge you now possess.

The months of building and testing, trying everything you've seen from people who seem to "have it all".

Maybe even the years of doubt because you just can't seem to grow this online course business you are so passionate about.

Well, as you're reading this, I want you to say to yourself, "NO MORE".

Finally, it's time for you to build a 7-figure online course business the RIGHT way. 

This is THE program where you will master how to sell your knowledge & expertise online...on autopilot.

So, I want you to say goodbye to...

> Messing around with the strategies and tactics that simply don't work. 

> Hoping and praying that this time it might work...probably...maybe...

> AND feeling guilty that you aren't serving others on the higher level you are meant for.

Because, right here...right now...it's your TIME.

My only question to you is...will you listen to that voice?

To your success,

Daniel Pope

Creator of Be Known University

Simple Sells.

It seems like there are 12,351 different moving parts in selling an online course. You know what I'm talking about...

Funnels, ads, emails, texts, surveys, groups, graphics, little settings, tracking codes...AHH!

It seems to never end. But let's stop for a second because...

#1: It does not have to be that complicated. 

#2: There is no reason for you to do it alone.

Are YOU ready for a business that allows you to work on your own terms, impacting people every single day with predictable income?

Be Known University.

I want to introduce you to Be Known University.

BKU, as we affectionately call it, is our 'Do-It-Together' group coaching program designed for passionate entrepreneurs who want to:

> Package their knowledge & expertise as an online course or training program.

> Build an online course business for predictable income.

> Live life on their own terms with the ability to work from anywhere, anytime.

> Impact the lives of thousands of people like they know they should be doing.

It's time to turn your knowledge into a consistent business following this step-by-step road map.

At Be Known, we have helped multitudes of passionate entrepreneurs do all of this and more....without the confusion of trying to find every answer themselves!
Now, it's your turn.

The Proven Road Map For Launching
& Selling Your Online Course Consistently. 

Be Known University is the ultimate road map for passionate entrepreneurs looking to create a consistent and predictable income stream from sharing their knowledge & expertise.

This Program Is For You If...

You deserve the freedom that comes with a business that can grow predictably...where sales come in like turning on a faucet. 

A business designed for YOU, your desires and dreams, and one with nearly no overhead costs.

A Consistent & Predictable Stream Of Income 
From Your Knowledge & Expertise.

Be Known University is the road map for you to build a successful online Course business From Sharing Your Knowledge & Expertise by using out proprietary S.Y.S.T.E.M. (you’ll see what that means soon):

1. Get Attention On What You're Selling.

2. Turn Attention Into Customers.

3. Follow Up Consistently.

To The Top.

Hours upon hours of YouTube videos, blog articles, webinars and whiz kids who all promise the same thing but end up leaving you overwhelmed and quite frankly, confused.

How in the world can you build an online course business that is, not only automated, but generates sales with predictability?!

That is the story we hear every single day from passionate entrepreneurs who are exhausted. 

The reality is...there is TOO much conflicting and confusing information out there. 

See, it all boils down to too much time spent doing the "right things at the wrong time" and the "wrong things at the wrong time".

You've been waiting for the day someone will pull up beside you and say, "Get In, we're going to the top of success mountain!"

Well, today is that day. The rocket ship has pulled up next to you. My only question is...are you getting in?

imagine for a second.

It's 8:00 am as you wake up, roll over, and check your phone. You see that a handful of new people signed up for your course....all while you slept. 

No cold calls, email blasts, live videos, or door knockin'...just new sign ups as you let your SYSTEM do the work for you.

Now rinse and repeat that each day....365. 

Imagine what it feels like to have that consistent and predictable income, have a forecast for true growth, and break free of any shackles that are keeping you down right now.

> The ability to support yourself, your family, and loved ones because you don't have to worry about trading your time for dollars any longer.

> You becoming the true self you are meant to be: a confident, get it done, absolute rock star!

> Students sending you messages about their lives being changed through what you've taught them. (This is what it's all about).

Whether you want to:

> Work from home

> Travel the world.

> Spend more time with your family

> OR just have the ability to go out to eat whenever you want.

...The reality is possible. You don't need to keep imagining.

It's your time now.

Who Are These Guys?

As you've been reading this you're probably thinking..."Who wrote all this and how did they get in my head?"

Hi, my name is Daniel Pope and I'm the creator of Be Known University. Over the past five years, my Team & I have worked with hundreds of passionate entrepreneurs who love to impact others! 

Now, my mission is to impact the lives of over 1 million people in the next five years and we are well on our way...

(I think we're up to 14,375 new customers across the people we work with...but who's counting. ;)

From private coaching to 1:1 done-for-you work to training, speaking, virtual events, webinars, writing and so much more ...I've done (and seen) it all! Now, I've packaged everything that works and wrapped it in a green bow for you: Be Known University.

If you're brand new, then I want to give you a big welcome and hello from all of us with Be Known. I am so glad you found us because you are in the right place. 

I'm a firm believer in the fact that everything happens for a reason in precisely the time it was meant to happen and you are no exception to that!

Now, enough about us, because this is about YOU and how we are here to help you grow and flourish with an online course business. But, before we talk more about that, I want to showcase some of what our clients have done...

Just Some Of Who We've Worked With.

Just Some Of Who We've Worked With.

We love what our People are saying.
See What Our Students Are Up To.

*Click Each Image To View In Fullscreen*

Just take a look at the screenshot from our client's Stripe (payment processor) account and you can see why she's so happy!

With almost $600,000 in revenue made over the past 12 months, this client is a very happy camper.

She started selling CDs (yes, really) and now she has 4 main online courses making her consistent and predictable revenue each month.

One of our clients recently completed a launch of her new online course...making her more than she ever made in a year...in just two months.

She took in over 1,650 new students in the span of two months over the past Holiday. 

During this launch, she brought in over $100,000 with a subscription product billed monthly. (Reoccurs every month).

This passionate client decided to focus on her "One Thing"...an amazing online course that teaches other women how to absolutely transform their life by starting a business they believe in.

In just a couple weeks, she launched and made over $100,000...more than she made the last two years combined. Wow!

This client sold an online course teaching students how to study more effectively and make better grades in college.

This was one of our most passionate clients and as you can see from the image, the online course made over $109,000 in less than 5 months!

With more than 260 students who are now conquering their study habits, this course is changing lives on a daily basis!

Another client of ours recently did over $70,000...in less than one month.

She was able to use the power of online advertising (don't worry, we'll show you how) to sell her online course teaching how to automate their business.

Better yet, as you can see from the image, she saw a 200% increase in revenue over last month. Way to go!

See What Our Students Are Up To.

*Click Each Image To View In Fullscreen*

Just take a look at the screenshot from our client's Stripe (payment processor) account and you can see why she's so happy!

With almost $600,000 in revenue made over the past 12 months, this client is a very happy camper.

She started selling CDs (yes, really) and now she has 4 main online courses making her consistent and predictable revenue each month.

One of our clients recently completed a launch of her new online course...making her more than she ever made in a year...in just two months.

She took in over 1,650 new students in the span of two months over the past Holiday. 

During this launch, she brought in over $100,000 with a subscription product billed monthly. (Reoccurs every month).

This passionate client decided to focus on her "One Thing"...an amazing online course that teaches other women how to absolutely transform their life by starting a business they believe in.

In just a couple weeks, she launched and made over $100,000...more than she made the last two years combined. Wow!

This client sold an online course teaching students how to study more effectively and make better grades in college.

This was one of our most passionate clients and as you can see from the image, the online course made over $109,000 in less than 5 months!

With more than 260 students who are now conquering their study habits, this course is changing lives on a daily basis!

Another client of ours recently did over $70,000...in less than one month.

She was able to use the power of online advertising (don't worry, we'll show you how) to sell her online course teaching how to automate their business.

Better yet, as you can see from the image, she saw a 200% increase in revenue over last month. Way to go!

But Where Do I Even Start...

"How Do I Find People To Buy My Course"

"How Do I Sell My Course On Autopilot?"

"What The Heck Is A Funnel?"

"What If This Doesn't Even Sell?"

There are lots of questions like the (very) short list above at the start of your online course business adventure. Think of it like setting out on a cross country road trip...with no map to guide you.

Any sane person would realize that is NOT a good plan. Missed exits, wrong turns, going down roads that don't feel safe, or even driving off a cliff....yikes!

So why would you begin your own journey without a tried and true map to follow?

Without someone right there guiding you, knowing your business, your voice, your desires to serve the people you're called to...is like following an old map from 2009 bought at that run down 7-eleven in the middle of nowhere.

Not to Fear....We Are Here.

We have worked with dozens of passionate entrepreneurs who desire to create an online course business, grow a predictable income stream, and impact the lives of countless others.

That's why we created Be Known University.

Be Known University is the ultimate road map for passionate entrepreneurs looking to create a consistent and predictable income stream from sharing their knowledge & expertise.

Be Known University.
> On-Demand Video Training.
> High-level support.
> Weekly Group coaching.
> 1:1 Project Feedback.
> Training from 6 & 7-figure Coaches.
> Copy & Paste Email Templates.
> Built-For-You Sales Funnel Templates.
> Online Advertisement Templates.
> Library Of Great Performing Ads.
Even if we stopped there, that's more than most include...
So, Here's our obligatory "But wait, there's more!"
Even if we stopped there, that's more than most include...
So, Here's our obligatory "But wait, there's more!"
> Funnel Flow Charts.
> 3-Phase Advertising System.
> Webinars That Work Training.
> Headline Generator.
> Priority Access To Virtual & Live Events.

AND...Even More Added All The Time!
What Does That Mean?

Be Known University is unlike anything you've been a part of before. We've created the Be Known SYSTEM model...one that Saves You Stress, Time, Energy, & Money (S.Y.S.T.E.M.). 

In Be Known University, you will get access to:

> All of our drag-and-drop, fill-in the-blank templates.

> Swipe files to copy & paste.

> Weekly group coaching sessions with our team.

> 1:1 sessions with our expert-level coaches. 

> Access to our team of coaches and trainers who have built 6 & 7-figure businesses. 

> And ...a community of incredibly driven and passionate entrepreneurs who are taking the same journey as you. 

You could call these people...your fellow travelers.

"So what does that mean?"

That means gone are the days of spending countless hours trying to learn from someone's too-hard-to-follow training video. No more hoping and praying that the "map" you found somewhere, somehow is the one to follow. 

This strategies, tactics, and tools will save you tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) over your business lifetime by giving you the exact road map to follow...to get fast-track results. 

Of course, if you still have questions, we would love to answer them for you. 
(We may even give you some free nuggets of knowledge along the way! ;)

Apply For Be Known University.

Friend, we are incredibly excited to see if you are a good fit to work together on your online courses, your sales funnels, webinars and video presentations, emails, launches, followups, marketing automation...and your overall online course business! (Wow, that's a LOT!) We're here to guide you along this journey; to give you the road map and steer you in the right direction along the way.

Please take just a few seconds to fill out the form below so we can learn more about you, your goals, and see how we can help you create a consistent and predictable income from an online course business.

Since space is extremely limited and new student enrollment is closing soon, this is your opportunity to make a great first impression. Let us know why you would be a perfect fit for Be Known University!

Since space is extremely limited and new student enrollment is closing soon, this is your opportunity to make a great first impression. Let us know why you would be a perfect fit for Be Known University!

What is your full name?
What is your Best Email Address?
What is your Mobile Phone Number?
Who Referred You To Be Known University? (opt.)
What is the URL of your business's website?
What is the URL of your personal Facebook profile OR your Instagram Handle?
*Tell us whichever you use more, so that Daniel can add you as a friend!
How many subscribers are on your email list?
How many Followers Do You Have?
*Please include any & all platforms you are active on (fB, IG, YouTube, Pinterest, Podcasts, etc.), please include your follower count on each platform.
Describe your goals in detail.
*What course will you create? What is your ideal monthly revenue? What are you struggling with? What do you want to achieve? You can include metrics like business growth and also qualitative life goals, like more freedom or impact.
At This Time, Are You Able to Invest In Yourself?
Do you have the Financial means to invest in yourself? We ask because we want to be able to serve you to the best of our abilities. Be honest here as this helps our team with next steps.
IMPORTANT: If selected, you will learn strategies and tactics of 7-figure businesses. You will get a behind-the-scenes look at these specific businesses and their inner workings. You will also receive templates, swipe files, and assets that can be used for incredible business growth. By checking this box, you agree to use all of this for GOOD and not evil; for your own business and not any other.
Before Be Known University:
  • Stressed out over too much "technical stuff".
  • ​Hoping & praying that this new "hack" or "trick" will be the end to all your worries.
  • ​Relying on someone you never met who promises crazy ROI's.
  • ​Just "winging it" with no clear path to follow.
  • ​No true sales growth.
  • ​Poor attendance on your livestreams or webinar presentations.
  • ​Lack of consistent and predictable income.
  • ​Feeling unbalanced in life from the craziness of a crazy business.
After Be Known University:
  • You have a ​crystal-clear road map to grow your online course business.
  • ​Your audience and follower counts grow consistently.
  • ​Your email list grows bigger and bigger with each passing month.
  • ​Your launches are explosive in revenue for new courses, products, and offers.
  • ​Your automated marketing does its job well to provide consistent and predictable income with evergreen courses.
  • ​You've become known in your niche as the go-to for incredible, life-changing courses, training, and coaching.
  • ​You start getting asked to speak and train others on a larger scale as your brand balloons in size.
  • ​You experience true freedom as you live the life you've created and deserve.
  • ​You are centered in life, physically, mentally, and spiritually as you take a breath and say...it's my time.

What's Included In Be Known University?

Be Known University includes access to regular group coaching sessions, high-level video training, templates, swipe files, and other assets in our ever growing inventory. But that's just the start...

This section outlines exactly what you'll get when you enroll today!

The Core Curriculum.

Get Attention.

The first part in Be Known University's 3-part curriculum is all about Getting Attention. How do we get attention in the age of distraction to stay relevant and seemingly omnipresent? That's exactly what you'll learn in this section. Getting attention is all about becoming known. From advertising to podcasting to affiliate marketing and so much more, you're about to become known.

Turn Attention Into Customers.

The second part in Be Known University's 3-part curriculum is all about how we Turn Attention Into Customers. This is the largest and most comprehensive section because this covers the ins-and-outs of the correct sales funnels to use for course creators. From launches to automated, evergreen sales funnels and everything in between. This section covers it all.

Follow Up Consistently.

The third part in Be Known University's 3-part curriculum is all about how to Follow Up Consistently, Constantly, & Clearly. We could also add another "C" word in for "Call To Action". We want to create automations in our marketing systems through email, text, and chat bots so we have consistent and predictable income. Remember, the fortune is in the follow up.

Coaching & Support.

Weekly Group Coaching.

Every week, we get together in a Zoom video call with current students enrolled in Be Known University. This session will cover a main topic or strategy. This is also a place to ask questions, work through struggles, discuss successes, and tackle any obstacles you face head on.

Project Feedback & Coaching.

As you work through the training, you will have lots of homework and projects to complete. Have no fear because we are here for you. We will have weekly critique sessions where you can submit the work you are doing for one of our expert coaches to review live. Whether it's an idea, a funnel, email, ad, or technical issue, this is perfect for those who want to learn by doing.

1:1 Coaching Sessions.

During the program, you will have access to 1:1 coaching sessions with our team of expert-level trainers, marketers, and coaches. This is a time for you to get individualized help outside of a group setting. You will get more details on these once enrolled in the program.

Templates & Swipes.

Sales Funnel Templates.

In Be Known University, we have unlocked our sales funnel template library for you. These are the exact same templates that many of our clients and students are using to make 5 and 6 figures per month. We have 4 core funnels you will use in this program and we've built the bones of them for you.

Email Templates.

How do we write the words that evoke an emotional response? That's the question every email copywriter asks as they stare at a blank page. Don't worry, when you enroll in Be Known University, we have over 100 different email templates that we give you. From registration emails to affiliate emails to getting testimonials emails and dozens more...there are no blank pages here.

Advertising Templates.

One of the most consistent ways to get attention is to create advertisements online. But...what do you say in your text or what should your videos look like or how should you design your images. Our comprehensive library of advertisements that are proven to work...along with our advertising templates gives you what we call...advertising superpower.

Bonuses & Extras.

Funnel Flows.

You get access to over 40 different funnel flow charts (i.e. wireframes) that we've created. These cover any scenario in any industry for any different type of business. We include detailed notes on use-cases and best practices. These are perfect for getting creative in new ways to market as you graduate from the program.

3-Phase Ad System.

At Be Known, we use a proprietary "3-Phase Advertising System". As a student of Be Known University, you get access to our diagram along with a training module that covers exactly how to structure your online advertising for best results.

Webinars That Work.

Digital marketing experts agree that an online Webinar presentation is the best way to sell information products above a few hundred dollars. Yes, we teach you how to structure these in our core curriculum but how do you create the slides and scripts that pull at the heartstrings of your viewers? Well that's where "Webinars That Work" comes in. This training covers all of that and more.

Headline Generator.

The Headline Generator is a massive file full of different headline ideas to use on your sales funnels, lead magnets, emails, advertisements, or really anything where you want to have a headline. If you want people to get hooked in and never leave, this is for you.

Priority Access To Events.

As a student of Be Known University, you will get priority access and registration to any future event (live or virtual). Whether this is free or paid, you will get first "dibs" on registration, special discounts, and other deals before any one else. For example, we may give everyone in BKU an upgraded ticket before anyone else gets access. This right here is the icing on the tip top of the cake.

What's Included In Be Known University?

Be Known University includes access to regular group coaching sessions, high-level video training, templates, swipe files, and other assets in our ever growing inventory. But that's just the start...

This section outlines exactly what you'll get when you enroll today!

The Core Curriculum.

Get Attention.

The first part in Be Known University's 3-part curriculum is all about Getting Attention. How do we get attention in the age of distraction to stay relevant and seemingly omnipresent? That's exactly what you'll learn in this section. Getting attention is all about becoming known. From advertising to podcasting to affiliate marketing and so much more, you're about to become known.

Turn Attention Into Customers.

The second part in Be Known University's 3-part curriculum is all about how we Turn Attention Into Customers. This is the largest and most comprehensive section because this covers the ins-and-outs of the correct sales funnels to use for course creators. From launches to automated, evergreen sales funnels and everything in between. This section covers it all.

Follow Up Consistently.

The third part in Be Known University's 3-part curriculum is all about how to Follow Up Consistently, Constantly, & Clearly. We could also add another "C" word in for "Call To Action". We want to create automations in our marketing systems through email, text, and chat bots so we have consistent and predictable income. Remember, the fortune is in the follow up.

Coaching & Support.

Weekly Group Coaching.

Every week, we get together in a Zoom video call with current students enrolled in Be Known University. This session will cover a main topic or strategy. This is also a place to ask questions, work through struggles, discuss successes, and tackle any obstacles you face head on.

Project Feedback
& Coaching.

As you work through the training, you will have lots of homework and projects to complete. Have no fear because we are here for you. We will have weekly critique sessions where you can submit the work you are doing for one of our expert coaches to review live. Whether it's an idea, a funnel, email, ad, or technical issue, this is perfect for those who want to learn by doing.

1:1 Coaching Sessions.

During the program, you will have access to 1:1 coaching sessions with our team of expert-level trainers, marketers, and coaches. This is a time for you to get individualized help outside of a group setting. You will get more details on these once enrolled in the program.

Templates & Swipes.

Sales Funnel Templates.

In Be Known University, we have unlocked our sales funnel template library for you. These are the exact same templates that many of our clients and students are using to make 5 and 6 figures per month. We have 4 core funnels you will use in this program and we've built the bones of them for you.

Email Templates.

How do we write the words that evoke an emotional response? That's the question every email copywriter asks as they stare at a blank page. Don't worry, when you enroll in Be Known University, we have over 100 different email templates that we give you. From registration emails to affiliate emails to getting testimonials emails and dozens more...there are no blank pages here.

Advertising Templates.

One of the most consistent ways to get attention is to create advertisements online. But...what do you say in your text or what should your videos look like or how should you design your images. Our comprehensive library of advertisements that are proven to work...along with our advertising templates gives you what we call...advertising superpower.

Bonuses & Extras.

Funnel Flows.

You get access to over 40 different funnel flow charts (i.e. wireframes) that we've created. These cover any scenario in any industry for any different type of business. We include detailed notes on use-cases and best practices. These are perfect for getting creative in new ways to market as you graduate from the program.

3-Phase Ad System.

At Be Known, we use a proprietary "3-Phase Advertising System". As a student of Be Known University, you get access to our diagram along with a training module that covers exactly how to structure your online advertising for best results.

Webinars That Work.

Digital marketing experts agree that an online Webinar presentation is the best way to sell information products above a few hundred dollars. Yes, we teach you how to structure these in our core curriculum but how do you create the slides and scripts that pull at the heartstrings of your viewers? Well that's where "Webinars That Work" comes in. This training covers all of that and more.

Headline Generator.

The Headline Generator is a massive file full of different headline ideas to use on your sales funnels, lead magnets, emails, advertisements, or really anything where you want to have a headline. If you want people to get hooked in and never leave, this is for you.

Priority Access To Events.

As a student of Be Known University, you will get priority access and registration to any future event (live or virtual). Whether this is free or paid, you will get first "dibs" on registration, special discounts, and other deals before any one else. For example, we may give everyone in BKU an upgraded ticket before anyone else gets access. This right here is the icing on the tip top of the cake.

You Can Do This Anytime, Anywhere.

Learn from your couch, your bed, your office, the lake, on top of a mountain, or even at sea. Seriously, Be Known University is hosted all online so you don't need to worry about missing class. 

As long as you have an internet connection you'll be ready to rock n' roll!

You'll be surrounded by students from all over...all sharing the same dreams and aspirations as you: to be a world changer.

The content and training resources is hosted in a private Membership Area created for simplicity in learning. As you progress through the program, you can track your progress and even re-visit sections with the click of a button.

The weekly calls are hosted in Zoom video meetings and the recordings will be placed inside your Membership Area within 24 hours.

You'll get immediate access as soon as you sign up and complete the simple onboarding tasks...no waiting around for class to start

You can work through the program at your own pace, anytime & anywhere.

Am I A Good Fit?

You are a perfect fit for Be Known University and the support you'll receive if...

  • You're open to receiving guidance, help, support, and training. Remember, we are students always.
  • ​You have built up a following or audience of some sort. This does not need to be millions of followers, but it should be at least around 1,000 subscribers/followers. (i.e. IG or FB followers, YT subscribers, etc.). These should be real (not bought) followers.
  • ​You have an email list. The bigger the better, ideally. But if you have around 500 emails to start with then you're on the right track. Free Tip: email your list at least 5x per week with value-add content to keep open/engagement rates up.
  • ​You know how to use WordPress/Wix or any other drag-and-drop website builder. This is not a super technical program (no coding required) but we don't want you getting stuck on the simple things like creating your sales page.
  • ​You can confidently say "I'm Ready" to tackle the technical lessons headstrong...or willing to hire someone to help you during the program (we can provide some resources for this). Again, this is not a heavy technical program, but there are aspects to it that are more than just "click this button".
  • ​You can think logically and creatively through problems to solve them in a timely manner. We're here for you every step of the way, but we won't hand hold you in every lesson. It's up to you to think through things well.
  • ​You are willing and able to invest your time, energy, and money into your business, but more importantly, yourself to fast-track your online course business growth.
  • ​You are done with trying to figure it all out yourself and accepting of the fact that you cannot do it alone (no 7, 8, or 9 figure business can). Are you ready to commit, show up, do the work, and win the day?!
How Long Will This Take?

Q. How Long Does This Program Take?

A. When you sign up for Be Known University, you are enrolled for one year. Now, that does not necessarily mean that it will take one year to see results, that's just our enrollment period. For some people, they start seeing results after just a week in the program, while others take a bit longer to get up and going.

Q. How Quickly Can I Start To See Sales?

A. After creating your online course, you are then ready to sell it. In theory, you could have someone send you a payment for $x,xxx and then you send them the private sign up link...but that's way too messy and not what we teach. We teach course sales in three stages: Validation, Creation, Optimization. Normally, you want to validate what you have to sell before you create a full online course. You can begin to validate what you want to sell in just a few short weeks.

Q. How Long Does It Take To Create A Course?

A. On average, creating a full online course takes anywhere from 1-3 months. This is dependent on your time spent to work through the creation phase. Most people follow this path: 

> One week mapping out the content.
> Two weeks creating the content.
> One week editing and finalizing the content.
> One week uploading, testing, and reviewing the finalized content. 

Q. How Fast Can I Scale & Grow This Business?

A. The golden question: how fast can I scale. We get asked this every single week and I love answering with a "it's up to you." I always get a little laugh because seriously, it really is up to you. See, the third stage, Optimization is all about automating and making things evergreen. This means you don't have to trade your time for dollars because that makes no sense (or cents) long term. Normally, we get you from validation and creation to optimization in just a few short months. After that, it's all about growing using automations and strategies for maximum scale.

Q. How quick can I make a million?

A. It comes down to a simple math equation if you're asking this question. If you are looking for X dollars (i.e. a million) then you just work backwards. 

If you have an online course that you sell for $500 then how many sales would that take? $1MM / $1,000 = 1,000 new sales. Say you want to make that in a year. Divide the 1,000 sales by 365 and you need around 3 sales per day or 90 per month. Very doable at scale!

Now, let's say you increase that price to $2,500. Then it only takes 400 new sales, around 1 per day, or 30 per month to hit the lucrative million mark.

Simple, right? Well there's a bit more that goes into that, but we'll show you how to do the "money-making math" to price everything well in Be Known University. 

There Is No Better Time Than Right Now

There's an old Asian proverb that goes...

"The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago.
The second best time is today."

Well, we all know that we cannot go back in time so we need to seize the day...take charge of the moment. 

Simply put, we need to take advantage of what's right in front of us.

You're here for a reason, I know that and so do you. Heck, you made it this far down on the page somehow.

Whatever that reason is...time freedom, financial freedom, a lust for recognition, a passion for changing the world, the desire to impact others....that reason is yours and your alone.

Your future students are out there, right now, craving the knowledge and expertise that you have. So, my Friend, how are you going to share it at scale - in such a way that you don't have to trade your hours for dollars every day?

Now, on our side, we know THIS reasoning to be true:

Be Known University is the ultimate road map for passionate entrepreneurs looking to create a consistent and predictable income stream...

All from sharing their knowledge & expertise. 

Your reason fits perfectly with ours because we help you achieve what you didn't think you could.

If you wait and don't take action now,
where will you be in 6 months...

If you wait and don't take action now, where will you be in 6 months...

You'll either be in one of two places:

> Still waiting for that opportunity to come by, hoping that person will pull up next to you and say "Get in, we're going to the top." Still watching hours of YT videos. Still stalking those other online course creators who have hit it big secretly wishing you were in their shoes. Still hustling and grinding for every new customer that does come in...if they do come in at all.


> You've decided to throw in the towel. "This just isn't for me...it would have never worked out." With each passing week, the feeling that you were made for more fades out. Till it's nothing but a whisper as you go back to that old job, go back to your old life, and go back to staying silent. 

This is not the life you were made for. You are made for more!

So it's time for you to decide. The old way or the new.

I say these things not to seem harsh and uncaring, but to show you a reality that could be.

No more saying "if only" and "I wish I could" and "maybe it's not for me". We are DONE with that. No longer will you sit, quietly, doing the wrong things at the wrong time.

It's not your fault you have been so lost in the sauce, but I want you to know that this is THE opportunity. 

This is the knock at your door you've been waiting for. This is me pulling up next to you saying "Get in, we're going to the top of success mountain."

So, are you in? Are you ready to take charge, put in the work, break a sweat because you know that it's not about you...see it never was. It's about the thousands that are craving what you have to share. That's what it's all about. 

If you take nothing else away, I want you to know that simple fact right there. You are made for MORE than this.

My final question for you is this...will you listen to that voice?

We present testimonials and insights about other people’s experiences with our website for purposes of illustration only. The testimonials, examples, and photos used are of actual clients. They are not intended to represent or guarantee that current or future clients will achieve the same or similar results; rather, these testimonials represent what is possible for illustrative purposes only.

We make no income or earnings claims - do you own due diligence. 

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